Saturday, September 23, 2006


MSB Agency would like to weclome Bette-Anne Smitth as the newest member of our agency. She will be working full time with us.

Contact info: Phone: 613-477-1231
Cell: 613-849-9168

About Bette-Anne Smith …

Bette-Anne is privileged to have been brought up in a Christian home with wonderful parents. The youngest of five children, she started singing at a very young age with her siblings and father and the passion for music grew from there. She graduated from Houghton College in New York state majoring in psychology. She has spent many years working in senior office and executive administrative roles. For the past 20 years, Bette-Anne has been involved in worship and children’s ministries in various leadership roles. Worship team member, soloist and worship leader at many churches/retreats/camps as well as providing leadership as a worship leader for three different churches. Currently, she is a member of the worship team at Desert Stream Christian Fellowship in Belleville, Ontario. She has been happily married for 15 years and is blessed with three wonderful boys.