Signature Sound
Also, Now this sounds like a promotion and it should ..... our own David Griffith is now officially the EH&SS Production Manager!"
This is nothing you may need to know but I feel we owe it to Gritt to give him his props!
David has been working so hard behind the scenes learning on the fly how to run sound, interacting with promoters and venues, fronting dates and a lot of things that make it all work that he has earned this position. David is still driving the bus but with all these duties we are now looking for a "Full Time" driver to relieve David of this important task.
Spread the word ...... anyone who might be interested in the new opening can inquire by contacting us at
To all our friends who ask how to pray keep praying for the right MAN to drive (no ladies.... sorry) and to be apart of our team. In time it will all work out I am sure.